Monday, July 16, 2012

Ah Guit v . John Campbell  Mr Laisley for the.plaintiff; Mr. Mackech'nie for the defendant. This was. an faction to recover damages for a trespass by the defendant's cow. The plaintiff Is a.Chinese market gardener the bottom of the .Richmond-road, Cox's Creek.:, He deposed that on the 31st of July one of defendant's cows got into his garden, and destroyed 800 head of-cabbages; 200 cabhage plants, and did other injury. The witness was sworn In the Chinesee f ashion by the interpreter, Thomas Quol, who lighted a luclfer match, which the witness, having, responded to some formula pronounced by the Interpreter, blew out." A witness named Talt said he saw the cow to plaintiffs garden on the morning in question. He called to the plaintiff, "John."-John," the plaintiff, came out of his house both of them drove the cow opt".Both witnesses described the cow, and knew it tr belong to the defendant. A cowboy named Sherard said he had charge of the cows on the night and day in question. They were not in plaintiff's garden. The defendant deposed that he had no cow like that described br the plaintiff.' He was about during the moming in question, be that if the cow had been in plaintiff's garden he mnst have seen her; Plaintiff said,his cows were branded, and the brand could be seen. Counsel having.been heard on.both sides, His Worship gave judgment for the plaintiff for 50s. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6176, 2 September 1881, Page 6

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